Login failed Captcha required
dyrehaugen opened this issue · 1 comments
Trying to install hydroxide, but first login fails.
jmh@YZDOG:~/go/src/github.com/hydroxide$ ./hydroxide auth dyrehaugen
2022/09/29 19:26:44 request failed: POST https://mail.proton.me/api/auth: [9001] For sec
urity reasons, please complete captcha. If you can't pass it, please try updating your a
pp or contact us here: https://proton.me/support/abuse
2022/09/29 19:26:44 [9001] For security reasons, please complete captcha. If you can't p
ass it, please try updating your app or contact us here: https://proton.me/support/abuse
Suggestions appreciated
Trying to install hydroxide, but first login fails.
jmh@YZDOG:~/go/src/github.com/hydroxide$ ./hydroxide auth dyrehaugen Password: 2022/09/29 19:26:44 request failed: POST https://mail.proton.me/api/auth: [9001] For sec urity reasons, please complete captcha. If you can't pass it, please try updating your a pp or contact us here: https://proton.me/support/abuse 2022/09/29 19:26:44 [9001] For security reasons, please complete captcha. If you can't p ass it, please try updating your app or contact us here: https://proton.me/support/abuse
Suggestions appreciated
I am experiencing the exact same issue.