
Maybe tag a release?

darix opened this issue · 10 comments

darix commented

or is anything blocking it? it would help people who want to package it for distros e.g. to package https://github.com/Plagman/gamescope

I don't think this project is ready for an initial release yet. I'll try my best to reduce ABI breakage, but I can't guarantee I won't make breaking changes. For now I'd prefer downstream to link statically if possible.

darix commented

I assure you, @emersion is quite the competent release manager. He understands how the process works.

darix commented

Well even better. So lets do a release :D

I'm strongly in favor of this as well.

I don't think this project is ready for an initial release yet. I'll try my best to reduce ABI breakage, but I can't guarantee I won't make breaking changes. For now I'd prefer downstream to link statically if possible.

At least for Debian this is not really an option. Even if the soversion changes daily, this is still better than statically linking.

Are there any news regarding a release? I'm planning to package gamescope anyway, and will probably just release git snapshots of this library to Debian, if there is no release planned.

There are a few breaking API changes I'd like to do before an initial release (see opened PRs). After these are merged, I think I'd be comfortable shipping an initial release, without any guarantee wrt. future API/ABI stability.

Cool, thanks for the update!

darix commented

Thank you!