
Incorrect count of my publications

Closed this issue · 3 comments

Yesterday, my profile was included in the repo (José L. Abellán from the University of Murcia). Thanks for this!

However, I've seen that only 2 of my publications are counted when the ranking is generated.
According to the venues.csv, the count should be 5 as I have published in HPCA 2020, ISCA 2019, ASPLOS 2023, ICS 2015, and Bioinformatics 2021 (this is named "Bioinform." in DBLP).

What is wrong?
Thank you so much.

Thanks for the note. The ASPLOS one is because they changed the name of the conference to add a number (smfh). I will fix that momentarily. HPCA is not on by default. Only the issue of Bioinformatics corresponding to ISMB is indexed.

Thanks Emery.
But I see that HPCA is on by default in this link: https://github.com/kimns516/CSrankings/blob/c55fbc85dad0b6103af0a736aeebc7cfcd99294c/venues.csv
If not, please, what are the venues that really count to generate the ranking? Which file of the repo does define them?

That venues thing is not used. Click on the blue triangles next to each area in the user interface.