
CRYPTO 2023 is not indexed

alex-gl opened this issue · 8 comments

Thanks for the note! This has been fixed and will show up next time I index DBLP.

Thank you! But I think it's something else. In particular, I don't think the papers from parts 1 and 2 are indexed.

Please point to a specific faculty member and pub that is missing. Thanks.

Here's an example: Alexander Golovnev, Georgetown University, "Revisiting Time-Space Tradeoffs for Function Inversion", Crypto 2023.

Ah, 2023. I have not yet re-indexed DBLP. This happens roughly quarterly and the last update is listed on the bottom of the CSrankings home page.

Thank you! I'm sorry:)

I happened to be doing this over the last couple of days (it requires some manual effort tracking down faculty whose aliases have changed); the latest version has your 2023 CRYPTO pubs.

This is just great, thanks again!