
Simulator does not work and erroneously finds hexpansions

npentrel opened this issue · 2 comments

This is happening on main - I can't use the menu or anything

➜  sim git:(main) ✗ python3.9 run.py
pygame 2.5.2 (SDL 2.28.3, Python 3.9.18)
Hello from the pygame community. https://www.pygame.org/contribute.html
Warning: `requests` is missing so no `urequests` mock will exist
Warning: `mad` is missing, MP3 support in `media` mock will be limited
Using /tmp/sim as /flash mount
Info: No custom config.py found
Info: No custom button mapping found in config.py
Registered async event handler for RequestForegroundPushEvent: _Scheduler - _handle_request_foreground_push
Registered async event handler for RequestForegroundPopEvent: _Scheduler - _handle_request_foreground_pop
Registered async event handler for RequestStartAppEvent: _Scheduler - _handle_start_app
Registered async event handler for RequestStopAppEvent: _Scheduler - _handle_stop_app
Registered async event handler for HexpansionInsertionEvent: HexpansionManagerApp - handle_hexpansion_insertion
Registered async event handler for HexpansionRemovalEvent: HexpansionManagerApp - handle_hexpansion_removal
Registered event handler for ButtonDownEvent: HexpansionManagerApp - handle_button_down
Registered event handler for ButtonUpEvent: HexpansionManagerApp - handle_button_up
Registered async event handler for PatternEnable: PatternDisplay - _enable
Registered async event handler for PatternDisable: PatternDisplay - _disable
Registered event handler for ButtonDownEvent: Launcher - _handle_buttondown
Registered async event handler for RequestStopAppEvent: Launcher - _handle_stop_app
Registered async event handler for InstallNotificationEvent: Launcher - _handle_refresh_notifications
Registered async event handler for ShowNotificationEvent: NotificationService - _handle_incoming_notification
Hexpansion inserted in port: 4
Scan found no eeproms
Hexpansion inserted in port: 1
Scan found no eeproms
Hexpansion removed from port: 4

Everything still works on c819f9f

3994c6b seems to print True a lot but has the same issue. So I think the hexpansion detection introduced the bug: 3994c6b