
Text Widget

hughrawlinson opened this issue · 3 comments

We could provide a text widget that takes a string and automatically breaks it into lines so that it fits in the centre of the screen given a certain line height. If we wanted to get even fancier, we could let the user specify a target centre point, and have the widget fit the text within the screen boundaries as close as possible.

Done in v0.0.7

import app_components.layout
text = app_components.layout.TextDisplay("Lorem ipsum " + "abcde "*30)


Alternatively, to allow scrolling:

import app_components.layout
text = app_components.layout.TextDisplay("Lorem ipsum " + "abcde "*30)
layout = app_components.layout.LinearLayout([text])


and manipulate either layout.y_offset or pass button up and down events to layout.button_event

Am I correct in thinking (finding) that this does line wrapping, but does not do word wrapping?