
Feed with authentication

Opened this issue · 8 comments

Is possible to add the support for the feed with authentication?
feed example: https://nuget.telerik.com/v3/index.json

Basic authentication

Are you trying to mirror the feed or read the catalog?

Currently auth isn't supported for NuGetMirror.

It could be added as a feature since NuGetMirror uses the same NuGet http client as NuGet.exe

A PR would be great, take a look at: https://github.com/emgarten/NuGet.CatalogReader/blob/main/src/NuGet.CatalogReader/HttpReaderBase.cs

This is where it sets up the http client using the NuGet.Protocol library.

vonj commented

If ran in an Azure pipeline, would it pick up the configuration from the Nuget Authentication task automatically?

@vonj no, currently there is no auth being performed