
Pattern to hide, strip or delete line

Opened this issue · 3 comments

It would be nice to support something like this

"logFileHighlighter.customPatterns": [
         "pattern": "somepattern",
         "action": "HidePattern"      // this could be done with blank on black. but would be much cleaner with an explicit feature.
         "pattern": ".Created<<E",
         "action": "DeletePattern",     // strip away whatever was matched, causing the rest of the line to shift.
         "pattern": "<<C",
         "action": "DeleteLine",  // remove/hide line where pattern was matched.

Alternatively do you know of extension that would work in tandem with your coloring achieve the above on the current opened file.

Interesting idea for someone to pick up and create a PR for ;-)

looking forward for this function
has someone already implemented something like this ?

I'm really looking for something like this too. I need to log at quite a fine grained level, but when reading log files I want to fold/hide the verbose log lines, read the INFO and DEBUG, with the option of unfolding or drilling into FINE and FINEST levels.