
Sticky ScrollView not working after build with Progaurd

Closed this issue · 3 comments

StickyScrollview working fine when run on devices, but it not working when i generate a build with progaurd. please give some solution
note: i also tired this below one
-keep class com.emilsjolander.* { ; } -dontwarn com.emilsjolander.

What do you mean by not working?

Also, I've used the library successfully with Proguard without doing anything special. so it's possible.

if you tell progaurd to ignore at of the classes within StickyScrollViewItems you really should not have any problems. It should work without ignoring to though. My guess is that something is wrong in your configuration as it works fine for others

Thanks for your mail, now it's working

Sent from my iPhone

On 01-Jun-2014, at 12:18 am, Emil Sjölander notifications@github.com wrote:

if you tell progaurd to ignore at of the classes within StickyScrollViewItems you really should not have any problems. It should work without ignoring to though. My guess is that something is wrong in your configuration as it works fine for others

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