
A bug with left indent

Closed this issue · 3 comments

Hi, Emil,

a great component, thanks for creating it.

There is a bug in the dispatchDraw(Canvas canvas) method.
It should be instead of
canvas.translate(getPaddingLeft(), ...

canvas.translate(getLeftForViewRelativeOnlyChild(currentlyStickingView) + getPaddingLeft(), ...

The way it is now, if the sticky view is deeper in the hierarchy and to the left, then it jumps when it becomes sticky.

I am not sure if this calculation should be in the draw method or precalculated somehow, but definitely the left indent of parents needs to be taken into account when translating.


I've created a pull request with a fix. #10

I see you fixed this issue. I had the same one and currently work around it using a sticky container. When will you update the latest release to include this fix? I am currently using 1.0.0 and do not see any newer release.

I'll probably do a release in the weekend!