
I ran this project of HTML on Windows7, but output with ' <li><a <li><a <li>.....'

finallylly opened this issue ยท 4 comments


  • Anaconda3-5.0.1-Windows-x86_64
  • Python 3.5.4

What's the problem?


fireshot capture 2 - html_ - http___localhost_8888_notebooks_des

Use floydhub\HTML\HTML_preloaded_weights.ipynb and download org-weights-epoch-0900---loss-0.0000.hdf5

Remenber to change the path.

You can either use the preloaded weights like @shifangjun suggested, or train it until the Loss value reaches 0.0001 .

I follow the steps as @shifangjun suggested, and then it works.

Use floydhub\HTML\HTML_preloaded_weights.ipynb and download org-weights-epoch-0900---loss-0.0000.hdf5

Remenber to change the path.

Still not working. Showing the following error:
ValueError: You are trying to load a weight file containing 8 layers into a model with 448 layers.