
A message from your supervisor

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Hi. I hope easter-time has treated everyone well. I'm just dropping a note here in preparation for next week.

Don't forget the domain model seminar on Monday. The seminar will be supervised by myself and Joachim in two separate locations; please refer to the course page to find the location and time slot specific to your group.

You will give a quick explanation of your application/game and present your domain model. If you have a UI mockup, include this in your presentation as well. Come well-prepared; you only have 5 minutes for your presentation, with 5 minutes of questions from the supervisor and other students (10 minutes in total as a maximum).

On Thursday, we will talk more about design and cover code coverage, PMD, FindBugs and STAN. If you are not using Maven, make sure your build rules can generate code coverage reports, PMD reports and FindBugs reports. You should also make sure that it's possible to build your project from a terminal. We will also go through your RAD. Also, don't forget; you should be able to show me an initial (first) running use case.

Some notes on your project:

Please clean out any IDE-specific files from your repository. These should not be present and defeat the whole purpose of having a build-system. You have .metadata and .idea directories in your project hierarchy, for example. There is also a .DS_Store file. You should also clean up a little. You have a meetingAgendas and a mettingAgendas directory.

Where is your domain model? You should commit this to your repository as soon as possible!

Good Luck and see you on Thursday, at the latest :).