
Question - Use of Panels inside Tabs

atalavera-sellboost opened this issue · 4 comments

I'm using version 1.4.6. (1.5.1 don't work at all with my Nova 2.12.0, don't know why).

I have a big resource with a lot of Nova Panels to group fields.

I tried to group some panels inside one Tab, but it seems that isn't possible or I'm doing something wrong because each Nova Panel is considered like another new Tab.

            return [
                new Tabs(__('Project details'), [
                    Tab::make('Balance1', [
                        new Panel('Balance2', [
                            Number::make('Balance3', 'balance'),
                            Number::make('Total4', 'total'),
                        new Panel('Other Info5', [
                            Number::make('Paid To Date6', 'paid_to_date')
                    Tab::make('Other Info 7', [
                        Number::make('Paid To Date 8', 'paid_to_date')


The result I was expecting was having a "Balance 1 tab" with Panel "Balance2" first and Panel "OtherI Info5" after.

Then "Other Info 7" tab next to "Balance 1 tab".

any updates? I face the same issue and would love to use panels inside tabs.