
Cannot truncate time period Period

rdearman opened this issue · 4 comments

An odd error.

Cannot truncate time period Period { begin: 610.839, end: 611.874 } at 610.839

The first part of the file is.

00:00:06,120 --> 00:00:08,475
Parco nazionale Harwood

00:00:08,519 --> 00:00:09,998
Forse dovremmo tornare indietro.

I've compared this to other ones which have been successful and it doesn't look any different. So, is it possible the problem is with the mpv file output by ogmrip ?

emk commented

No, this looks like a problem where the subtitles are way too short and way too close together, maybe? Try deleting the first sub or changing the time period or something, and let me know what happens. But please don't close this—I do want to investigate more closely at some point.

You are correct I found a number of examples, where they are overlapping:

00:10:10,839 --> 00:10:11,874                                                                                        
Va bene.                                                                                                             
00:10:10,839 --> 00:10:12,067                                                                                        
Non posso farla qui. 
00:25:01,839 --> 00:25:04,911
Non avrei dovuto Iasciare Ii Robert,
ma mi aveva detto di correre.
00:25:01,839 --> 00:25:03,113
Me I'ha fatto promettere.

You can see the starting timestamps for both are the same time.

00:38:50,879 --> 00:38:52,835
In tutta la mia carriera,
ho riportato

00:38:50,879 --> 00:38:54,633
pochissimi ragazzini ai genitori
dopo Ie 24 ore dal rapimento.

So you can see that for some reason it seems to have kept the start time from the previous subtitle, probably a bug in omgrip?

emk commented

Could be garbage data in the actual video's subtitles, too. There's a lot of strange stuff out there.

emk commented

There's no obvious action I can take on this issue, so I'm closing it. If you have any ideas for a concrete improvement here, please feel free to re-open this issue. Thank you for reporting it!