
Allow user to overwrite output dir

Arthaey opened this issue · 2 comments

When testing a new video & subtitle file, I run substudy a couple times. I have to manually delete the output dir each time, or else substudy quits. It would be nice if it could prompt me to overwrite if I want to continue anyway. Or maybe a --force option, if you want to conform to Unix-y expectations and avoid interactive prompts.

emk commented

Yeah, even though I kinda hate options, but -f and --force is standard enough that users will expect it to be there.

Note that we're using docopt to parse our arguments, with a lot of subcommands. This breaks down quickly as we add flags, and becomes an ugly mess. The solution is to switch to clap. You might prefer to have me tackle this switch—I can try to get around to it sometime soon. See #18 for the tracking issue.