
Why this is no fork?

LimitlessGreen opened this issue · 3 comments

It looks like a fork of the original https://github.com/RPi-Distro/pi-gen but technical isn't it.
Unfortunately, it's not possible to compare the repos with github for this reason.
And it it also should be difficult to upgrade to a new Raspbian version this way.

Are there any plans to change that?

Best regards, Green

If you want I can redesign the repo for you and give you the ownership. :octocat:

I made the redesign: https://github.com/LimitlessGreen/pi-gen-navio
It is finally comparable to the default raspbian repo.

As I looked over it, I realized that there seemed to be a commit to the work splitting up:

Here are some compare examples:
Comparison to the current master: LimitlessGreen/pi-gen-navio-new@navio-stretch...RPi-Distro:master

Comparison to the commit where the work split up:

No interest