Baker LP Staking.


This project is a step up from this project on yield farming. The EM Bakery farm, allowed users to stake tokens and earn rewards in another token. It is built on the PancakeSwap MasterChef incentive protocol.

This project aptly named the Baker LP staking is built on the UniSwap V2 LP staking.

A User can provide liquidity to a pool by providing a pair of tokens (tokenX and tokenY), such as there will be enough liquidity in the pool to enable Token Swaps. For providing liquidity to the pool, the user is rewarded in minted LP tokens which follows the ERC@) standard.

It is based off on the AMM model for CFMM - Constant Function Market Makers using the XY=K model.

Getting Started

You can clone the Smart Contract code and have it running on your machine simply run:

npm install