
Extra semicolons are added automatically

Opened this issue · 0 comments

Emmet livestyle is really beautifull.
The issue is when the value of the last css property of the class is changed every time, a semicolon is added automatically which is not at all needed.

For eg. see the image below
livestyle bug 3

Here when I put the border-color:green it successfully display it, now when I delete these color ie green in browsers DevTool, a semicolon is appended there at the end in the code file(ie mine here is main.css) in Sublime text editor. Again I put border-color:red, it successfully displays. Now again when I delete the color red in browsers DevTool a semicolon is appended there at the end in the code file(ie mine here is main.css) in Sublime text editor. It goes on.
Please keep me updated regarding this issue and for any queries: sam.wankaner@gmail.com
Thanking You.

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