
Wrong ID/subclassing for Graphics in "EMMO:Chemistry" (beta4, refactoring branches)

adhamhashibon opened this issue · 3 comments

issue: when loading the Chemistry reference ontology, then class ChemicalComposition is under Representation which is under id: EMMO_c7.....a55f3.

version: at least the branches and refactoring are concerned

this ID seems to belong to class Graphical (see branch origin/chemistry).

moreover, the class "Representation" seems to be only in the reference ontology Chemistry.ttl.

It seems something that should be under EMMO:Symbolic. @emanueleghedini @jesper-friis @gerhardgoldbeck what do you recon?

Nice spotted. Representation should be in perceptual. I will move it and create a PR.

@jesper-friis is this now resolved (i.e., part of a pull request and is fixed etc), if so can we close it?

Yes, this is resolved