
Add chemical identifiers

Closed this issue · 6 comments

Is it possible to add additional chemical identifiers? Some widely used are not yet supported by emmo.

  • SMILES (isA ChemicalNomenclature): http://opensmiles.org/opensmiles.html

  • InChI Key (isA IUPACNomenclature): a hashed version of the full InChI (using the SHA-256 algorithm, designed to allow for easy web searches of chemical compounds.

Would it make sense to add two new annotation properties for them in the chemistry module?

Would it make sense to add two new annotation properties for them in the chemistry module?

It is a possibility, yes. However, given InChI is already defined in EMMO, wouldn't it be confusing to define InChI Key and SMILES in a different module?

I was thinking about the chemistry module in EMMO, the same module in which InChI is defined.

Where you thinking about something like this: #275

Where you thinking about something like this: #275

Excellent, this works. Thanks for addressing it so quickly!

We will review the PR in the EMMO dev. meeting on Thursday. Then it might be merged.