
Change MarshalAs(SizeConst) to NMS(Size), change xx1,xx2,xx3 fields to arrays...

emoose opened this issue · 2 comments

I'll go through and do some of these later, but if anyone wants to help out feel free.

The C# compiler provides some syntactic-sugar for attribute classes that end with the Attribute-suffix by the way.

You can simply omit the suffix when using the attribute.

e. g.
[NMS(Ignore = true)]

NMSString should be kept for LIst<>s, it doesn't support primitive types yet either, and I'm too scared to touch the code as refactoring some stuff for #48 broke a few unexpected things.

#48 on the other hand does rework some of the string handling to check for both MarshalAs and NMSAttribute.