[Plugins] cannot_find_plugins: emqx_auth_username
ctellechea2001 opened this issue · 2 comments
We checked that with the same exactly configuration in V4.1.1 everything is working fine, but if I change to 4.3.5 We are getting errors the login failed for not autorized
dev-emqx-0 emqx 2021-07-29T20:00:27.023003+00:00 [warning] camara-08138281234@ [Channel] Client camara-08138281234 (Username: 'event-logger') login failed for not_authorized
dev-emqx-0 emqx 2021-07-29T20:00:27.023123+00:00 [debug] camara-08138281234@ [MQTT] SEND CONNACK(Q0, R0, D0, AckFlags=0, ReasonCode=5)
dev-emqx-0 emqx 2021-07-29T20:00:27.023322+00:00 [info] camara-08138281234@ file: emqx_connection.erl, line: 520, mfa: {emqx_connection,terminate,2}, msg: terminate, pid: <0.2570.0>, reason: {shutdown,not_authorized}
We discovered in the log files that in 4.3.5 is happening the following error. The emqx_auth_username was not loaded.
2021-07-30T14:34:32.966151+00:00 [alert] [Plugins] cannot_find_plugins: [emqx_auth_username,emqx_statsd]
emqx_auth_username.conf file with users is passing as parameters in the Helm Chart
- name: emqx-users
mountPath: /opt/emqx/etc/plugins/emqx_auth_username.conf
subPath: emqx_auth_username.conf
Do you know what it is happening in the latest version with emqx_auth_username?
Inside the container
/opt/emqx $ emqx_ctl plugins load emqx_auth_username
Load plugin emqx_auth_username error: not_found.
/opt/emqx $
emqx_auth_username and emqx_auth_clientid are deleted from 4.3 release.
The functionalities are merged to emqx_auth_mnesia.
Please find more details here:
If you have a lot of data to upgrade, there are tools to help:
This repo is no longer used in EMQ X v4.3.
So I'm closing this issue here.