
Consider use of Singleton patterns (e.g. `PyModuleLoader`, `DependencyFactory`, and `OpenAIAutomataAgentToolkitRegistry`).

emrgnt-cmplxty opened this issue · 0 comments


We have identified several key classes in our codebase (PyModuleLoader, DependencyFactory, OpenAIAutomataAgentToolkitRegistry) that have been designed as singletons. While singleton design pattern ensures a single instance of a class and global point access to that instance, it's also widely considered as an anti-pattern due to its global state, tight coupling, and hard-to-test nature.

A thorough investigation of the use of Singleton patterns across the codebase should be conducted to determine if they are indeed the best choice in each case and if not, alternatives should be proposed and implemented.


The first step is to locate all classes using Singleton patterns across the codebase, particularly focusing on PyModuleLoader, DependencyFactory, and OpenAIAutomataAgentToolkitRegistry. We need to analyze the specific usage of these classes, and evaluate if the Singleton pattern is the best fit in each case.

Potential considerations to take into account:

  • Single Responsibility Principle: Are these classes responsible for more than they should be, making them harder to manage?
  • Testability: Is the Singleton pattern making it hard to write unit tests for the functionality these classes provide?
  • Tight coupling: Are these classes too interdependent, making the system rigid and less maintainable?
  • Concurrent Usage: How is the Singleton pattern affecting the system's behavior in multi-threaded environments?

For classes where Singleton may not be the best fit, propose alternative designs. These could include refactoring towards the factory pattern, service objects, or dependency injection, among others.

Points to consider:

  1. Refactoring Impact: Ensure to thoroughly analyze the impact of refactoring the singletons, considering both immediate and future needs of the system.

  2. Backward Compatibility: Refactoring should not break the current functionality of the system. Adequate measures should be taken to maintain backward compatibility.

  3. Performance: The refactoring should not negatively affect the system's performance. It is advisable to benchmark performance before and after refactoring.

  4. Testing: Thorough testing should be performed to ensure the system's performance and reliability. New unit tests should be written for the new implementations and integration tests should be updated to reflect the changes.


  • Analyze each class's specific usage and evaluate if Singleton pattern is the best choice.
  • For classes where Singleton is not the best fit, propose alternative designs.
  • Implement the proposed changes.
  • Ensure the refactoring does not break the current functionality.
  • Benchmark performance before and after refactoring.
  • Write unit tests for new implementations and update existing integration tests.

As always, don't hesitate to ask if you have any questions or need further clarification. Your contributions to this project are highly valued!