
Discuss:: Set Minimum contribution based on expected Repayment

adibas03 opened this issue · 5 comments

While setting up the e2e tests, I realized, that based on the size of the contribution to the loan, some contributors might not have a repayment due every month, but instead, every second month or more.
For instance: A contribution of 6 units out of 60,000 units (0.01%), will not be due for any repayment until 10,000 units have been repaid.
Do we leave this as is and educate, or do we set a minimum contribution, based on the expected repayment.
I think education might be sufficient to allow for smaller contribution, especially since the project is P2P and less corporate.
Note* Implementation of any decision should be against the next version

@onggunhao @tspoff thoughts

@adibas03 I'm strongly in favor of a minimum contribution of 20 Dai.

20 Dai is also the minimum sum for PoolTogether. Their reason was gas fees

We could do it as a simple 1-line require in Crowdloan:fund?

I think 100 DAI might be a good place, although 50 DAI might also work, though 100 DAI ensures we have fewer contributors

Crazy idea: what if we set it to 1,000 Dai? We would have to find 60 people willing to do that

That would be great, but according to the data from our research, 100 DAI is the sweet spot

Yeah that's true. Talking about that, we should do a follow-up survey on Twitter to measure whether that sentiment has changed