
source map always points to bundle for big files

tadatuta opened this issue · 1 comments

Steps to reproduce:

  1. Clone project-stub
  2. npm i
  3. Add sourcemap: true option to stylus options in .enb/make.js
  4. Inspect elements => all selectors point to index.css instead of proper *.styl files

But when bundle is cut to, for example, just

module.exports = {
    block : 'page',
    title : 'Title of the page',
    favicon : '/favicon.ico',
    head : [
        { elem : 'meta', attrs : { name : 'description', content : '' } },
        { elem : 'meta', attrs : { name : 'viewport', content : 'width=device-width, initial-scale=1' } },
        { elem : 'css', url : 'index.css' }
    scripts: [{ elem : 'js', url : 'index.min.js' }],
    mods : { theme : 'islands' },
    content : [
            block : 'header',
            content : [
                'header content goes here'
            block : 'content',
            content : [
                    block : 'line',
                    mods : { size : 's' },
                    content : [
                        'size s (24px height) ',
                            block : 'input',
                            mods : { theme : 'islands', size : 's', 'has-clear' : true },
                            val : 'value',
                            placeholder : 'placeholder'
                        ' ',
                            block : 'button',
                            mods : { theme : 'islands', size : 's' },
                            text : 'button'
                        ' ',
                            block : 'button',
                            mods : { theme : 'islands', size : 's' },
                            text : 'button',
                            icon : { block : 'icon', mods : { action : 'download' } }
                        ' ',
                            block : 'button',
                            mods : { theme : 'islands', size : 's' },
                            icon : { block : 'spin', mods : { theme : 'islands', size : 'xs', visible : true } },
                            text : 'Loading...'
                        ' ',
                            block : 'radio-group',
                            mods : { theme : 'islands', size : 's', type : 'button' },
                            name : 'radio-sizes-s',
                            options : [
                                { val : 1, text : 'first' },
                                { val : 2, text : 'second', checked : true }
                        ' ',
                            block : 'checkbox',
                            mods : { theme : 'islands', size : 's', type : 'button' },
                            val : 1,
                            text : 'check'
                        ' ',
                            block : 'dropdown',
                            mods : { switcher : 'button', theme : 'islands', size : 's' },
                            switcher : 'dropdown',
                            popup : { block : 'popup', mods : { theme : 'islands' }, content : 'popup' }
                        ' ',
                            block : 'select',
                            mods : { mode : 'radio-check', theme : 'islands', size : 's' },
                            name : 'select',
                            text : 'first',
                            options : [
                                { val : 1, text : 'first', checked: true },
                                { val : 2, text : 'second' }
                        ' ',
                            block : 'spin',
                            mods : { theme : 'islands', size : 's', visible : true }
            block : 'footer',
            content : [
                'footer content goes here'

source map works fine.

blond commented

Source map works well with big files.

This bug is reproduced with block icon only:

module.exports = {
    block : 'page',
    title : 'Title of the page',
    favicon : '/favicon.ico',
    head : [
        { elem : 'meta', attrs : { name : 'description', content : '' } },
        { elem : 'meta', attrs : { name : 'viewport', content : 'width=device-width, initial-scale=1' } },
        { elem : 'css', url : 'index.min.css' }
    scripts: [{ elem : 'js', url : 'index.min.js' }],
    mods : { theme : 'islands' },
    content : [
        { block : 'icon' }

If you remove this comment from source code then it will fix source maps.