
django-rest-auth on "pause"/unmaintained. Remove from docs/mention maintenance status?

Closed this issue · 3 comments


  • I have verified that that issue exists against the master branch of Django REST framework.
  • I have searched for similar issues in both open and closed tickets and cannot find a duplicate.
  • This is not a usage question. (Those should be directed to the discussion group instead.)
  • This cannot be dealt with as a third party library. (We prefer new functionality to be in the form of third party libraries where possible.)
  • I have reduced the issue to the simplest possible case.
  • I have included a failing test as a pull request. (If you are unable to do so we can still accept the issue.)

Steps to reproduce

link to issue explaining "pause" on maintenance

Expected behavior

Actual behavior

Should the DRF documentation point to projects no longer maintained/"on pause".
Given the critical nature of authentication, I think it would be good to either remove the project from the documentation or display its maintenance status. Especially as it is just mentioned in an issue.

I've taken a quick look over there.
For right now I think we should keep linking to it - if there's a fork or if there's an update on the status perhaps we can rethink.

The company behind that project preferred to have someone fork it instead of changing ownership, so I'm now maintaining Dj-Rest-Auth. Same API as before. Just a different name.

@iMerica Ok. You'd be welcome to submit a pull request to add that in the docs. At the moment I'd suggest that we link to both, noting the second as a fork.