
logo fails to load from ipfs upon onboarding new install

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reprodce in AVD:

  1. uninstall app
  2. install and start
  3. create account
  4. select Nyota community
  5. wait.
  6. balance will load, logo not

app log says this every few seconds:

[log] [ERROR]  ==> : [getCommunityIcon] get icon with cid: Qmbbrr4dci7SyrAzjB7W8513wgZoPx57aezqmszfqZAAL8 
[log] [ERROR]  ==> : [getCommunityIcon]: got icon: null 

cid is correct and data is available at the time of testing
on infura:
but not on our own gateway:

ok. had to restart ipfs service on our encointer GW. now it works

related: #805