
Futurerestore (32bit ticket?) Error upon restore

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Not sure if this is the right place to post this given it's an iBoot32Patcher error being thrown, but... Upon using 'sudo futurerestore --use-pwndfu -t ticket.shsh2 --latest-baseband iphone.ipsw':

patch_ticket_check: Entering...
patch_ticket_check: Found iBoot baseaddr 0xbff00000
patch_ticket_check: Found iboot_vers_str at 0x280
patch_ticket_check: Found str_pointer at 0x328
patch_ticket_check: Found iboot_str_3_xref at 0x1e594
patch_ticket_check: Found ldr_intruction at 0x1e55c
patch_ticket_check: Found last_good_bl at 0x1e570...
patch_ticket_check: Found next_pop at 0x1e588...
patch_ticket_check: Found next_pop at 0xbff1e588...
patch_ticket_check: Unable to find last_branch!
iBoot32Patch: Error doing patch_ticket_check()!
terminate called after throwing an instance of 'libipatcher::exception'
what(): std::exception
Aborted (core dumped)

I haven't actually seen anyone else have this issue and I don't think it's an invalid ticket as I've used two separate blobs and received the same error both times.

Edit: For any questions regarding what version; I built all of the programs from source for my ARM Linux device.