
Error Code -20 Device stuck in Recovery Mode

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C:\Users\Josh\Desktop\Extra Tools\iPad Mini 2 Downgrade>"C:\Users\Josh\Desktop\Extra Tools\iPad Mini 2 Downgrade\futurerestore.exe" -t "C:\Users\Josh\Desktop\Extra Tools\iPad Mini 2 Downgrade\shsh.shsh2" -s "C:\Users\Josh\Desktop\Extra Tools\iPad Mini 2 Downgrade\sep-firmware.j85.RELEASE.im4p" --no-baseband -p "C:\Users\Josh\Desktop\Extra Tools\iPad Mini 2 Downgrade\BuildManifest.plist" -m "C:\Users\Josh\Desktop\Extra Tools\iPad Mini 2 Downgrade\BuildManifest.plist" "C:\Users\Josh\Desktop\Extra Tools\iPad Mini 2 Downgrade\10.3.3.ipsw"
Version: a0113a4 - 173
Odysseus Support: no
INFO: device serial number is F9GQLBJHFCM5
[INFO] 64bit device detected
futurerestore init done
reading ticket C:\Users\Josh\Desktop\Extra Tools\iPad Mini 2 Downgrade\shsh.shsh2 done
Found device iPad4,4 j85ap
[TSSC] opening C:\Users\Josh\Desktop\Extra Tools\iPad Mini 2 Downgrade\BuildManifest.plist
WARNING: Unable to find BbChipID node
[TSSR] User specified not to request a Baseband ticket.
Request URL set to https://gs.apple.com/TSS/controller?action=2
Sending TSS request attempt 1... response successfully received

WARNING: user specified not to flash a baseband. This can make the restore fail if the device needs a baseband!
if you added this flag by mistake you can press CTRL-C now to cancel
continuing restore in 5 4 3 2 1
Found device in Recovery mode
Device already in Recovery mode
Found device in Recovery mode
Identified device as j85ap, iPad4,4
Extracting BuildManifest from IPSW
Product Version: 10.3.3
Product Build: 14G60 Major: 14
Device supports Image4: true
Got APNonce from device: bc b9 c6 3d bf 46 86 9f 54 fd 4f 33 ad 42 12 bf 93 44 c2 5e
[Error] Devicenonce does not match APTicket nonce
[Error] maybe you forgot -w ?
Done: restoring failed.
Failed with errorcode=-20