
Cannot read property 'match' of undefined

jcubic opened this issue · 3 comments

I've tried to transpile my S-Expression parser to php

But got this error:

    var regexpData = args[0].raw.match(/^\/([^\/]+)\/([gimy])?$/),

TypeError: Cannot read property 'match' of undefined
    at split (/mnt/ssd/projects/jcubic/lip/node_modules/js2php/core/string.js:119:34)
    at Object.evaluate (/mnt/ssd/projects/jcubic/lip/node_modules/js2php/core.js:26:18)
    at visit (/mnt/ssd/projects/jcubic/lip/node_modules/js2php/index.js:235:26)
    at visit (/mnt/ssd/projects/jcubic/lip/node_modules/js2php/index.js:196:20)
    at visit (/mnt/ssd/projects/jcubic/lip/node_modules/js2php/index.js:269:21)
    at visit (/mnt/ssd/projects/jcubic/lip/node_modules/js2php/index.js:196:20)
    at visit (/mnt/ssd/projects/jcubic/lip/node_modules/js2php/index.js:269:21)
    at visit (/mnt/ssd/projects/jcubic/lip/node_modules/js2php/index.js:196:20)
    at visit (/mnt/ssd/projects/jcubic/lip/node_modules/js2php/index.js:182:24)
    at visit (/mnt/ssd/projects/jcubic/lip/node_modules/js2php/index.js:52:20)

It may be because of this:

var re = new RegExp("((^|[^\\\\])(?:\\\\\\\\)*)" + quote, "g");

in my code I'm parsing multiline string that may have escaped quotes.

This also may be because of my regex for regexes:

var re_re = /^\/((?:\\\/|[^/]|\[[^\]]*\/[^\]]*\])+)\/([gimy]*)$/;

Your regex is quite fragile you can't have escaped \/ inside regex literal.

endel commented

@jcubic can you check this pull-request? there are a bunch of additions I haven't tested yet. maybe your case has been fixed here: #42

when I tried some code on demo page I also got

Uncaught TypeError: (intermediate value).match is not a function

I narrowed down the line which causes it, it is:

y = i[+1];

I tried with different variable names. but seems that index [1] causing this. when I changed to y = i[0+1]; or y = i[+1]; it started working