Dispel indicator hides weakaura glows
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There's been some discussion about this in the Cell discord (and similar issues with OmniCD) which concluded that setting overrideLGF to true by default in r234 fixes it. But it's broken at the moment. People have suggested changing Cell Strata to LOW in Appearance which doesn't fix it. People have also used a workaround of using Highlight Type Solid - Health Bar (Current+) which is slightly opaque.
Right now if you use a weakaura glow, Dispel indicators using Hightlight Type Solid - Health Bar (Current) completely hide the glow. I'm not aware of anyway to fix this in your weakaura.
As far as I can tell weakaura glows inherit the strata of the frame they attach to. The weakauras code doesn't specify a frame level for glows so the default libcustomglow frame level offset of +8 is used. Cell currently uses a frame level offset of +200 for Dispel Requests.
Here's a simple test I used to play around with this. I made a rectangle indicator the same size as my unit frame to simulate the dispel indicator but which activates when I have a buff I can easily apply.
I made a simple weakaura glow which is active if I have any buff or debuff https://wago.io/p5kVedYV8.
The rectangle hides the glow regardless of what frame level you set in the rectangle indicator.
If I change the frame level offset of the indicatorFrame from +220 to 0 (Interface\AddOns\Cell\RaidFrames\UnitButton.lua Line 3626). The rectangle doesn't hide the glow at frame level <= 9 and does hide the glow at frame level >= 10. I was expecting this to be <= 8 or <= 7 so I don't totally understand exactly what's going on.
The Cell support for glows is excellent for simple cases such as glow if this debuff is present. However, it's common for raids to have complex weakauras to coordinate and assign dispels. An example in the current raid is Sticky Web on Broodtwister where people press a macro to request a dispel when they're clear of other players.
One thing that makes this problem worse is when a glow doesn't appear, you're first instinct is to assume the weakaura didn't work. It took me hours before I realized what the actual problem was.
This frame level offset for dispels also hides Cell glow indicators with default frame levels of 1. These appear to use highLevelFrame which is +140. So you have to set the frame level of your glow to >= 61 to be higher than the dispel indicator +200.
I think it's a reasonable expectation that glows (from cell or weakauras) will always be on top. I'm struggling to imagine a situation where I'd want to hide a glow. It's fine to have a choice where you could choose to set the frame level in such a way that a glow would be under a dispel or rectangle/color, but the default should be glows are above.