Sequence matched CDS
Opened this issue · 2 comments
Hi all,
I was wondering how I could obtain the sequence of the matched CDS between two genomes.
Thank you in advance,
Dear Arancha,
The feature you requested is not supported in the current stable version, however I find it useful and implemented it 😄
Please use this binary:
To obtain the matching pairs, run the calculate
module as following:
java -jar EzAAI_v1.2.2.unstable.jar calculate -i <IN_1> -j <IN_2> -o <OUT> -match <MATCH>
Matching FASTA headers and their sequence identities will be written in the file designated to the -match
You can convert the database into FASTA file as following:
java -jar EzAAI_v1.2.2.unstable.jar convertdb -i <DB> -o <FASTA>
This feature will be included in the next stable release.
Please test out and let me know if you encounter any problem.
Thank you very much! I really appreciate it! It works perfectly fine.