
Chrome no eta value.

gothrek22 opened this issue · 5 comments

Transmission Version: 2.61 (13407)
Newest kettu as of writing.
Chrome 21
Client OS Windows 7 x64
Server OS Scientific Linux 6.3 kernel 2.6.32-279.5.1.el6.x86_64

ETA to complete is not visible in kettu although it can be seen in the normal transmission GUI

The ETA is visible when you have ~5 torrents in the client.

That seems rather strange. So when you have 5 torrents you see it on every torrent, but if you have less none of them have it? Are there special torrents I need to use to reproduce this or does it happen with all torrents?

If I have more than 5 the ETA is not visible. There are no special torrents, just try to throw in some from top 100 in thepiratebay.org and add like 10-12.

Hm, I tried to recreate the problem by downloading all debian cds. Still seeing all the ETAs. Can you try it with the debian cds and see if you still have the same issue? Also.. what exactly do you see instead of the ETA? And do you see any errors in the console?

Did you try it again with the debian CDs? Or has the problem disappeared?