
Can't install on clean Ubuntu Precise

GoogleCodeExporter opened this issue · 4 comments

What steps will reproduce the problem?
1. Following these steps: 

What is the expected output? What do you see instead?
dpkg: dependency problems prevent configuration of python-tesseract:
 python-tesseract depends on python-support (>= 0.90.0); however:
  Package python-support is not installed.
 python-tesseract depends on liblibleptonica (>= 1.68); however:
  Package liblibleptonica is not installed.
 python-tesseract depends on libopencv-core2.3; however:
  Package libopencv-core2.3 is not installed.

What version of the product are you using? On what operating system?
0.7-1.4, on Ubuntu 12.0

Original issue reported on code.google.com by jeffreym...@gmail.com on 7 Mar 2013 at 8:52

Please type the following to install the missing library

>sudo apt-get -f install 

Original comment by FreeT...@gmail.com on 8 Mar 2013 at 2:56

Thank you very much for responding, but your proposal does not work. 

After further investigation, there seems to be dependency problem between the 
current version of the tesseract-ocr package (3.02) in Ubuntu 12 and the latest 
version of python-tesseract.

According to dpkg, libleptonica has been replaced by liblept3. Tesseract-ocr 
requires liblept3. However, python-tesseract requires libleptonica.

Thank you,

Original comment by jeffreym...@gmail.com on 9 Mar 2013 at 6:16

upgrade to quantal or compile it on your own

Precise is not supported any longer

Original comment by FreeT...@gmail.com on 9 Mar 2013 at 11:01

Original comment by FreeT...@gmail.com on 25 Apr 2014 at 4:35

  • Changed state: Done