
Too many DNS lookup

Opened this issue · 2 comments

After a while, I see a large traffic of DNS lookup to googleuser.com. Something like 3/5 per sec...
I am using Kodi Matrix on raspberry 3.

This issue has come up before.

This solution works for me.

Try editing ~/.kodi/addons/screensaver.kaster/resources/lib/

From line 70 edit it like this.

                    req = requests.head(url=self.images[rand_index]["url"], timeout=2)
                    if req.status_code != 200:
                        # sleep for a bit to avoid 429 (too many requests)
                        #if req.status_code == 429:

This will introduce a time out on DNS lookups and pause if there is any error, not just error 429.

I will try...