
Send Telegram bot alerts from Eclair node

Primary LanguageScala

Eclair Alarm Bot Plugin

Simplest possible Eclair plugin. It sends Eclair notifications to a Telegram bot. The latest supported version of Eclair is 0.10.0.

It can be upgraded with new events or even important node statistics.

How to build

First you need to build its dependencies

git clone https://github.com/ACINQ/eclair.git

cd eclair/

git checkout v0.10.0

mvn install -DskipTests=true

Then build the plugin

git clone https://github.com/evd0kim/eclair-alarmbot-plugin.git

cd eclair-alarmbot-plugin/

mvn install

The mvn command will put the plugin's JAR file into target directory.

Hot to run

Simply add the JAR file name to the Eclair node command line:

<PATH_TO_YOUR_ECLAIR_INSTALLATION>/eclair-node.sh target/eclair-alarmbot_2.13-0.10.0.jar


It needs config file in <ECLAIR_DATA_DIR>/plugin-resources/alarmbot/alarmbot.conf

config {
    botApiKey = "PUT_YOUR_BOT_KEY_HERE"

How to get Telegram chatId?

  1. Start a new bot
  2. Use curl for getting bot updates from Telegram
curl https://api.telegram.org/bot<PUT_YOUR_BOT_KEY_HERE>/getUpdates
  1. You should get response from Telegram server where you can find your chatId. If it didn't happen, try to write something in the Bot chat and repeat step 2.