
I want to develop a pomodoro application with lots of customization features

Primary LanguageJavaScriptGNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0

This is a pomodoro project for lots of customization options https://hyperdoro.netlify.app

Only pomodoro-v1 version will be public and first version will be nothing more than a normal pomodoro application

v0.1 finished first final html outline v0.2 added lots of features

//take clock and startbutton.js to clockarea.js ve fazladan 20 dk calis

//ilerde uygulamalaya calendar eklerken google api kullan

User stories =

i want to be able to login website(use lots of login api) and use my early data

i want to start pomodoro as i want ✔️

i want to able to add ✔️ and remove minutes from my pomodoro with one click ✔️

i want to be able to skip pomodoro ✔️

i want to be able to see my statistics

i want to be able to change languages(not in flowchart use api later)

i want to be able go to main site with logo ✔️

i want different timer(real time) to see easily ✔️

i want to learn what is pomodoro from website ✔️

i want to create tasks ✔️

i want add pomodoros to tasks ✔️

i want to choose current task ✔️

i want to sort tasks with my mouse ✔️

i want app to calculate my daily and task pomodoros,i want to see when my all pomodoros end and my task pomodoros end ✔️

i want to be able to modify tasks' name pomodoro number after creation ✔️

i want to clear or complete all pomodoros with one click

i want to see privacy policy and terms of service

i want to be able to modify pomodoro time,short timeout length,long timeout length,long timeout delay as pomodoro(gecikme),pomodoro auto start,if to do is empty dont start next pomodoro, oto timeout start,daily goal(default value at daily goal and indicator for people to see they can modify this)/notification voice volume,alarm voice,opening desktop notifications,opening explorer notifications,close real time timer/changing theme,changing language,changing time period,time display(2:00PM and 14:00),dont remove task from todo when done

i want to be able to report bugs and features for implement

#Personal notes

//Take pomodoro datas at the end of pomodoro //ilerde donelistle todolisti beraber visible yapan bir setting ekle //Ilerde jobu deletelemek yerine sadece otomatik timeouta gecme butonu ekle. //Work bitislerinde bug var duzelt //completing all pomodoro -> settings -> privacy policy -> login -> reporting bugs


Didn't add pomodoro number modification to settings because i dont think its a good user experience because its too complicated.

Tried to add calculation function in one place but it looks to complicated