
http/2 support missing

Jockel725 opened this issue · 3 comments

Hi there,
after installation Engintron to WHM/Cpanel server, I found no http/2 support. Only http/1 in place.

So I went to EasyApache 4, and installed the nginx http/2 Modul and Brotli as well from there.
All is working fine now.
Http/2 support is given, brotli as well.

My question:
Is this the right way of instruction?
I mix of Engintron and EA4 Ngnix Moduls?
Even it's working obviously, I don't feel well somehow.

Please explain how to activate http/2 and Brotli in Engintron.

Thanks and nice regards

It's enabled by default for years. Since you don't mention the OS you use, it could be that some other Nginx repo takes precedence and not the official one that is configured by Engintron.

I am on Almalinux 8 with WHM/Cpanel.
If I don't install the additional Ngix http/2 on EasyApache 4, I only have http/1.1 in place.
I uninstalled Engintron, and EA4 Ngix before Installation as well...

But at my Server, Engintron is not setting http/2 per default.

What to do?
Thanks for any further help 👍

The Nginx configs are ready for HTTP/2: https://github.com/engintron/engintron/blob/master/nginx/utilities/https_vhosts.php#L53

I can't say why it doesn't work on your server though. To be honest, you're the first to report such a thing since HTTP/2 support was added.