
closing 'x' sign is not visible in Firefox.

jasomdotnet opened this issue · 8 comments

closing 'x' sign is not visible in latest Firefox 64.

same for 'loading' spinner. Both SVG images embeded in css doesn't work in Firefox (also on FF for Android).

@jasomdotnet Please clone the repo - it has just updated and launch demo.html in FF IE11 Edge and Chrome. So that to make sure there isn't anything interferring from your custom setup. Thanks

I didn't get this part:

So that to make sure there isn't anything interferring from your custom setup.

I don't want to "clone the repo". I like your script, just fix crossbrowser bugs :-)

Or you say that svg images work in your FF browser? Which version do you use? The latest one?

The fixes you suggest have been commited to this very repo but not published on NPM. So how do you check the updates that I just made? Where do you get the js and css - if from here - then the fixes should APPLY - if from NPM - they don't for now because I didn't publish a new version today yet.

I got you now. You mean I download latest commit and test. OK, give me few minutes.

Latest commit is 14 hours old. I'm already using it. Issues are still present.

Sorry, I was checking wrong file. CSS is 27 minutes old. Going to test it.

Yes, I works!

PS: Give me please one 10 more minutes till I upload material I just completed for my latest question.