
Widget icon for hybrid and integrated mode is not displayed in non "C" locale

Labaman opened this issue · 10 comments


Widget icon for hybrid and integrated mode is not displayed
For nvidia mode, the icon is displayed correctly.
Changing the icon size does not affect its display.
Widget version 1.1.0
KDE Store installation source.
Integrated video Intel.

Hi, thanks for reporting the bug.

Could you give us more information about your execution environment? For example Linux distribution, version of KDE Plasma, and theme.
Also, try running the command lscpu | grep "Model name:" and share the output.

Regarding the size of the icons, I can tell you that the tiny option, for example, does not produce any change compared to the small option. The rest should show a noticeable change.
Anyway, try changing the icon size and run the command killall plasmashell && kstart5 plasmashell to see if it makes any difference.

@enielrodriguez As for changing the icon size, it works. I meant that if the icon doesn't display, it doesn't display in all its size options (integrated and hybrid), and if it displays normally (Nvidia), it displays normally in all its size options.
BIOS Model name: Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-10750H CPU @ 2.60GHz To Be Filled By O.E.M. CPU @ 3.0GHz
KDE Plasma version: 5.27.6

I checked several things, made some improvements, and fixed some bugs, but I couldn't reproduce your error. Anyway, install the new version and see how it goes. Additionally you can try the following:

  • Restart Plasma desktop
    killall plasmashell && kstart5 plasmashell

  • Clear the cache

  1. Stop the Plasma desktop: killall plasmashell
  2. Clear the Plasma cache: rm -rf ~/.cache/plasma* for general issues or rm ~/.cache/icon-cache.kcache for icon issues.
  3. Restart the Plasma desktop: kstart5 plasmashell

Well, I think I figured out what the problem is:
I followed all your recommendations above, but nothing helped. Then I suggested that another difference between me and you might be the default locale of the system, and indeed - as soon as I changed the locale to "C" the icons of all modes started to appear correctly.
But as soon as I switch back to the correct locale (I use Russian by default) - the error starts playing again.
Oh and one more small bug is the "About" window after updating to 1.1.1 :)

Thanks, you're right, now I managed to reproduce the bug. But with the past changes that I had made, I did get an icon, but the default icon (instead of the intel or amd logo it is a blue square).
Anyway, try the new update.
Don't forget that you may have to restart Plasma killall plasmashell && kstart5 plasmashell.

Let me know if it works

Keep in mind that if you install the widget from the desktop you may not be seeing the latest version, it takes a while from when I upload the widget to the web and it appears available. Maybe that's why you didn't see a version change before, and the generic icon didn't even appear.
You can go to the home page of the widget and install it from there.

I found a solution, although the widget appears on the home screen, do a search, and then the new version will appear there. Maybe it will also work to filter by updatables.

Well, it seems to be displaying correctly this time, but I'm having a similar problem to yours - instead of the Intel and AMD icons, I have the "standard" blue square displayed. Still, it's better than nothing. Thanks for the quick fix.
As for changing the version number after an update, the problem persists. This time I have given screenshots from the KDE store and the "About" window, so you can make sure that I am using exactly the updated version. So, for version 1.1.2, the About window shows version 1.1.1
The screenshot was taken after a reboot

Well, I hadn't noticed that you are using Discover to install the widget. The same thing also happens to me that way, Discover installs version 1.1.1 instead of 1.1.2, despite showing that the latest version is 1.1.2.
I already removed version 1.1.1 from the KDE Store, but still my Discover hasn't found out and seems to take it from the cache and continue installing version 1.1.1.

To avoid that I install it as follows:

  1. right click on the taskbar
  2. Add Widgets...
  3. Get New Widgets...
  4. Download New Plasma Widgets

And from there I look for it and install it, if there is more than one version it lets you choose which one you want, something that Discover does not allow.

Yep, just now noticed this option on Discover as well. I apologize for my inattention.
By the way, in version 1.1.2 the integrated video card icon is displayed completely correctly, at least in the case of intel.

Perfect, I'm glad it works.
Thank you for your cooperation!