
Widget just sits there

everythingeeb opened this issue · 3 comments

It doesn't let me open it to make changes. If I click nothing happens. If I right click and try to change settings nothing happens either.

Did you try command line envycontrol is it working ther?

I am using debian 12 installed in yesterday
had to go through a lot to get nvidia working see if that is an issue

also when i tried to add this widget from zip downloaded from store using add widget it is registered in the menu but it didn't work at all it just increases in widget count and is not showing up anywhere(panel/desktop)

kpackagetools6 doesn't exist in my kde kpackagetools5 does which i found from applet dev guide

But what did work was when i uninstalled all installed packages, using kpackagetools ,of this widget and installed it from discover store all instances showed up and applet is working

Hello! Please, when you report an error, it would be very helpful if you gave more context, for example widget version, Linux distribution and its version, KDE version, and any other details that allow us to reproduce the error.
That said, this bug is very similar to one already fixed in the latest version, please make sure you have it installed.

Oh just checked it's fixed now. Hooray :)

Edit: For future reference I will definitely remember to include those things you mentioned.