
Big BUG on Windows with uranium:UraniumContentPage.Attachments, material:BottomSheetView

GuyFlorent opened this issue · 4 comments

There is a serious bug on Windows related to the uranium
.Attachments component and the material : BottomSheetView
Bug Uranium

. This component takes up the entire screen, preventing clear visibility of the content and blocking any interaction. You will find a screenshot attached to this message.

Best regards,

Any reproduction steps?

Is that screenshot indicates your custom anchor image that covers your entire screen?

Yes, the component covers the entire screen and nothing else can be done. The scenario is simple: just place the component on a page and click the button to open it. You'll notice that it takes up the entire screen and nothing else is visible.

Hello, i am waiting for the answer please

Can you share the steps to reproduce?
Example code?