
some questions

Bia10 opened this issue · 3 comments

Bia10 commented

what are the dependencies of this project?
your referencing DllExport, RGiesecke.DllExport.Metadata which is not to be found
and then your referencing UnmanagedExports via paket.references
so whats this all about, why so many references where are they actually needed?

no .net5 support?
Evidence.GetHostEnumerator(); is not included in .net5

what are the modes of injection supported? only manged 32bit assembly into un/managed 32bit process?
can i inject unmanaged 32 bit assembly into managed 32 bit process?

is the interprocess communication via server/client rly a necessity?

the mentioned DLL are installed by the build script. Have you tried compiling from the source to see if the problem resolve?
The DllExport is a necessary dependency in order to be able to export an unmanaged method.

I haven't tested it on .net 5, have you encountered any errors?

In the first paragraph of the README file, you can read:
"This project implements a .NET Assembly injection library (it is inspired by the snoopwpf project). The remote process can be a managed or unmanaged one." What do you mean with "unmanaged 32 bit assembly"?

The IPC is not strictly necessary, but this design makes the injection more reliable, since it can receive possible error messages.

Bia10 commented

still cant figure where is that dllExport attribute from if there is no using reference to it

it wont build on .net5 as i implied before

a 32bit c++ .dll into 32bit C# process

tried to make it work with .net5 but
var hookProc = Win32API.GetProcAddress(moduleHandle, "HookProc");
returns win error 127

well it would be great if there was simple injection procedure without the IPC stuff

I would rly welcome following:

  • .net5 support

  • simplification of references and build process

How to inject dynamic library into another process