
Confusing whereHas functionality

shahar-mintz opened this issue · 0 comments

Hey, I've been using adonis-lucid-polymorphic on a new project and just encountered a confusing issues. Briefly, the MorphTo's whereHas query (seems like also true for has query) only considers the first model in the relatedModels array, resulting in incomplete results.

Model Setup

class Video extends Model {

class Post extends Model {

class Comment extends Model {
  static get traits () {
    return ['@provider:Morphable']

  commentable () {
    return this.morphTo([
    ], 'id', 'id', 'commentable_id', 'commentable_type')

When I run this code

let _query = null;
Comment.onQuery((query) => (_query = query));
await Comment.query().whereHas('commentable', b=>b.where('id', '>', 2)).fetch();

The resulting SQL query (_query.sql) is
'select * from "comments" where exists (select * from "videos" where "id" > ? and "comments"."commentable_id" = "videos"."id")'

The problem
The query should return all the comments for the commentables with id>2. Instead, it considers only the Video model and neglects the Post model. So for example, if I had no videos but only 10 posts (ids 1-10), the query would return zero results which isn't correct (should have returned 8 posts, with ids 3-10).

Thanks for your help.