
Issues in PCV (non-slickgrid classes)

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Case 1 - Main region gets selected after a couple seconds of opening the content

  1. Create a new site, select Features.
  2. Select main region then insert 2 text components, save and close the site.
  3. Reopen the site
    BUG - Main region gets selected after a couple seconds of opening the content


Case 2 - Options are not displayed in component selector in Live Edit after inserting a component n PCV

  1. Insert a part or fragment

BUG 1 New inserted component should be focused in LiveEdit:

But actual - options filter input is not focused(displayed) after inserting:

BUG 2 - dropdown selector is empty and expanded after inserting a component n PCV


Case 3 Layout component - regions are not displayed after inserting the component


Regions apppear after refreshin the page:


Case 4 - duplicated regions in PCV after selecting a controller in template-wizard

  • Open wizard for new template, select an option in support,
  • Select a controller
