- Run all commands from the angsd_pipeline folder
- For an overview of the pipeline please see : https://drive.google.com/file/d/14bmwOkdbdfSsfNDrYNxR2V8kHZyNuIlm/view?usp=sharing
Install angsd & associated programs : http://www.popgen.dk/angsd/index.php/ANGSD
add angsd to the path in .bashrc
export PATH="/home/camer78/Softwares/angsd2/angsd:$PATH"
- add the misc folder (containing RealSFS, theta stat etc to the path in .bashrc
export PATH="/home/camer78/Softwares/angsd2/angsd/misc:$PATH"
Install NGSAdmix (maybe in the misc folder, else export its path) : http://www.popgen.dk/software/index.php/NgsAdmix
Install pcangsd (maybe in the misc folder) & check if you have python2 : http://www.popgen.dk/software/index.php/PCAngsd
Copy the path into 01_config.sh PCA_ANGSD_PATH=~/Softwares/pcangsd
For all script files, you may edit the header to put your email adress and adjust cpu/memory/time/allocation and slurm partition
- bam-files :
They must be aligned to the reference, indexed and sorted, named like "id_sex_pop_group_blablabla.sorted.bam.
They can be kept in their original folder. You can specify the path to their location from the angsd_pipeline folder
insert this path in BAM_PATH= in the 01_config.sh
Useful for most analysis:
- info.txt in 02_info folder: a file listing the bamfile names ordered with a column for any relevant information on the individuals
for follow-up analyses with R ideally: col1=bam_filename, col2=id, col3=sex, col4=pop, col5=group, col6=group ...
- pop.txt in 02_info folder : a file listing population names with one item by line (there can be several files if we aimed at analysing different grouping, group.txt)
- genome.fasta in 02_info folder: the reference genome on which bam have been aligned
if it is not indexed run:
module load samtools
samtools faidx 02-info/genome.fasta
- region.txt: a file listing the regions of the genome (chromosome or scaffolds) to be included in the analysis.
For initial tests, put manually just a few, one per line
To list all scaffolds of the genome
grep -e ">" 02_info/genome.fasta | awk 'sub(/^>/, "")' | sort -k1 > 02_info/region.txt
- edit the 01_config.sh file
choose MIN_MAF, PERCENT_IND filters, MAX_DEPTH filter for intials steps For later steps, choose WINDOW and WINDOW_STEP for sliding-windows analyses, and K_MIN, K_MAX for admixture analysis
this script will make a list of all bamfiles and several list by population, based on information in bamfile names and pop.txt
edit script if you want to add another way of grouping (group.txt)
this script will work on all bamfiles and calculate saf, maf & genotype likelihood on the whole dataset. It will output in 02_info folder the list of SNP which passed the MIN_MAF and PERCENT_IND filters & their Major-minor alleles (sites_*)
maybe edit the number of cpu NB_CPU and allocated memory/time
old: sbatch 01_scripts/03_saf_maf_gl_all.sh
newer ( will also calculate depth, drop depth by ind and total, and filter on max_depth): sbatch 01_scripts/03_saf_maf_gl_depth_all.sh
this script will work on all individuals using the beagle genotype likelihood and calculate a covariance matrix with angsd. it also output the pca with R, and visualisation in pdf
check for outliers (or duplicates), one may to re-run step 03 and 04 with an edited bamlist
this requires pcangsd to be cloned and a version of Python v2 with alias python2
maybe edit NB_CPU and memory (sometimes require a lot of memory >100 G)
sbatch 01_scripts/04_pca.sh
#for further visualisation using information from info.txt
source 01_scripts/01_config.sh
Rscript 01_scripts/Rscripts/visualise_pca.r "$MIN_MAF" "$PERCENT_IND"
this script will work on all individuals using the beagle genotype likelihood and perform an admixture analysis. this requires NGSadmix to be installed and its path export in the bashrc. NGS admiw will explore all number of population between K_MIN and K_MAX as provided in the 01_config.sh.
maybe edit NB_CPU=1 & edit K_MIN and K_MAX in the 01_config.sh
sbatch 01_scripts/05_ngs_admix.sh
#for further visualisation using information from info.txt
source 01_scripts/01_config.sh
Rscript 01_scripts/Rscripts/visualise_admix.r "$MIN_MAF" "$PERCENT_IND" "$K_MIN" "$K_MAX" "$BAM_LIST"
this script will work on bamfiles by population and calculate saf & maf. It will run on the list of sites determined at step 3 (filter on global population). In addition it will filter for sites with at least one read in a minimum proportion of individuals within each pop
maybe edit cpu & choose on which list of pop run the analyses
NB_CPU=1 & POP_FILE1=02_info/pop.txt
sbatch 01_scripts/06_saf_maf_by_pop.sh
This script will use the saf by population calculated at step 07 and calculate SFS and FST
maybe edit
NB_CPU=1 #change accordingly in SLURM header
POP_FILE1=02_info/pop.txt #choose on which list of pop run the analyses
sbatch 01_scripts/07_fst_by_pop_pair.sh
#for further visualisation (requires the corrplot package)
Rscript 01_scripts/Rscripts/visualise_fst.r "$MIN_MAF" "$PERCENT_IND" "$POP1_FILE"
this script will use the saf on all individuals and the saf by population calculated at step 07 to calculate thetas statistics.Beware if ancestral sequenc is the reference (folded spectrum), not all stats are meaningful.
sbatch 01_scripts/08_thetas.sh
those two scripts can do a gwas either with binary phenoty "_bin" or quantitative phenotype "_quant".
phenotype files should be put in 02_info
- bin_pheno.txt #this file must be one single column with phenotype coded as 1 or 2, each line is one individual in the same order as bamfile
- quant_pheno.txt #this file must be one single column with quantitative phenotype, each line is one individual in the same order as bamfiles. Beware, the quantitative gwas is made to include a covariable (for instance sex) coded as binary # change the $COV if needed Missing data must be coded -999 see example files in 00_archives
sbatch 01_scripts/09_gwas_bin.sh
sbatch 01_scripts/09_gwas_quant.sh
important: edit window size - this is a number of SNPs
sbatch 01_scripts/10_pca_by_window.sh
This script will call a python script written by Eric Normandeau to split the begale files into windows of a given size within each chromosome/scaffold. They are stored into beagle_by_window folder Then, it will run pcangsd on each window of X SNPs. Covariances matrices are stored into cov_by_window folder
sbatch 01_scripts/10_run_local_pca important: edit window size and choose whether using or not a complementary info file (provide path) on which we will test correlation between the PC1 scores of each window and the given variable (this could be for instance a phenotype, a score along a PC axis determined on the whole dataset or a single LG, etc...)
This call a R script and will need library lostruct and clustertend. It applies the method proposed in Li, H., & Ralph, P. (2019). Local PCA shows how the effect of population structure differs along the genome. Genetics, 211(1), 289-304.
In addition, for each window, we test for a clustering tendency by calculating hopkins statistics and we calculate whether PC1 correlates with PC1-2-3 of the global PCA (and if given with other quantitative variables) Output several figures to visualize that.
See selection_pipeline
possibility to output plink format from angsd and then further analyses in plink?