
meta data of ptprt radar

Opened this issue · 4 comments

bart1 commented

I have been looking at some of the repository data. Some of the old data for PTPRT seems to be quite strange in meta data for example this file:

> read_vpfiles('~/ptprt_vp_20161003082628.RAWEBGW.h5')
               Vertical profile (class vp)

       radar:  ptAro 
      source:  WMO:08550,RAD:PO42,PLC:Arouca,NOD:ptAro 
nominal time:  2016-10-03 08:25:00 
generated by:  vol2bird 0.3.15

From the file name I assume it is ptprt, the WMO code corresponds to ptlis the Rad code to ptfar, the geographic location in the file corresponds to ptprt. I thus assume the truth is ptprt but is this correct? Is there a way to verify this? should we correct the meta data?

Very odd indeed. The source information is generated from the corresponding pvol file right? How do current ptprt files look like?

bart1 commented

The current pvol and vp files look correct
this seems mostly historic

So fine to close this issue then?

bart1 commented

If we are indeed sure this data corresponds to this radar and the issue is enough to document it?