
Not able to translate

sbabu955 opened this issue · 1 comments

Steps to reproduce*

if a route is like get jobs-:keywords

Expected behavior*

Tell us what should happen
I want to translate to emplois-:keywords

Actual behavior*

Tell us what happens instead
It remains same

System configuration*

Rails version:
Replace with output of rails -v
Ruby version:
Replace with output of bundle exec rails -v
Route Translator version:
Replace with output of cat Gemfile.lock | grep route_translator

I18n configuration*

# Replace this comment with your I18n configuration
# taken from config/application.rb

Route Translator initializier

Source of: config/initializers/route_translator.rb

# Replace this comment with the source code
# of config/initializers/route_translator.rb

Source code of routes.rb*

Source of: config/routes.rb

# Replace this comment with the relevant
# source code of config/routes.rb

Locale .yml files*

Source of config/locales/xx.yml

# Replace this comment with the relevant
# source code of config/locales/xx.yml

Source of config/locales/yy.yml

# Replace this comment with the relevant
# source code of config/locales/xx.yml

Add more locales if needed

Output of rails routes*

Result of bundle exec rails routes:

# Replace this comment with the output
# of `bundle exec rails routes`

Repository demostrating the issue

Debugging Route Translator issues is a time consuming task. If you want to speed
up things, please provide a link to a repository showing the issue.

* Failure to include this requirement may result in the issue being closed.


sorry for the late reply

Rails version:

Sorry, can't support here.

I think route_translator 4.4.0 is the latest version supporting Rails 4.

Take a look at the readme of that version, instruction were different
