
why is this not a gitbook?

SimonAM opened this issue ยท 7 comments

Or is there a gitbook but no link to it?

Really great work though! <3

Hello @SimonAM, could you please give few informations about what a gitbook is and how would it improve the content readability?

How much do you estimate would be the time/effort required to make it a "gitbook"?

Gitbook allows chapters with quick access toolbar. See example below:

Example gitbook Professor Frisbys guide to functional programming with corresponding code on github.

Quick start guide on how to create a gitbook

@SimonAM would you be interested into creating a PR to set it up as a gitbook?

I am quite time constrained, and cannot give an estimate for this task.

Hi @enricopolanski,

The link to gitbook on readme not working - https://enricopolanski.github.io/functional-programming/ .
The link provided by @wwmmzz does work (https://wwmmzz.github.io/functional-programming/).

Sorry for a very late answer, i was changing job the same day as your question. Seems like someone else beat me to it!

wwmmzz commented

The user experience of my version of gitbook is not very good. Ideally, it should be better mabe like this but I haven't found a suitable method for the time being. Maybe someone is interested in optimizing it

Just for your information, I am considering archiving this repo.

As fp-ts in the next version becomes effectively part of the Effect community, and the author is working mainly on effect/data (replaces fp-ts data types) and effect/schema (replaces io-ts) I think I am going to close this one and rewrite a new one for effect, I plan to add the goodies such as gitbook and what not.

Reality is that fp-ts is on a slow way out and the future of this ecosystem lies in effect.
