
ChatGPT Imported shared url = 403 forbidden?

Closed this issue · 4 comments

I just updated my Big AGI instance running on Cloudflare Pages to latest version at commit 5272fa9

I tried importing a shared ChatGPT Plus link and I get 403 forbidden message?

Issues importing 1 conversation:

: [Issue] ChatGPT Importer Forbidden (403) - is https://chat.openai.com/share/XXXXXXXXX accessible by the server?


Works locally (see below) but not once deployed. I believe OpenAI servers may be stopping remote access to prevent bots of sorts. The error is a 403.

Local works

For instance, if I import: https://chat.openai.com/share/6feb31c9-6514-4021-a8fe-bd104a53fe8d
I get:

Remote - on get.big-agi.com:


One potential solution is to do this on the client-side, instead of the server side. Ideas?

They've added captchas locked to user agent and ip

They've added captchas locked to user agent and ip

Oh no way. Lame. Any ideas on working this around?

@centminmod Fixed in the latest commit - hopefully they won't stop the import again
